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Gig Harbor Canoe &

Kayak Racing Team

Gig Harbor Canoe & Kayak Racing Team


Registrations for all GHCKRT Groups opens each October.

If you are interested in joining the team outside of our registration period, please reach out to us to set-up a skills assessment: [email protected]  

 Group Three
Our novice training group: this group practices three days a week.
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
Group three athletes will hone their skills on the water and make a decision
about which craft they will focus training on; canoe or kayak.
Group Three athletes compete locally and nationally, with some regattas
taking place in Canada.
Group Two
Our advancing training group: this group practices four days a week.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
Group two athletes begin adding strength conditioning to their training, 
are now competing in race boats, and many athletes at this level will
choose to invest in their own race boat.
Group two athletes compete locally and nationally, with some regattas
taking place in Canada.


Group One

Our most competitive group: this group practices five to eight times a week.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday with optional morning 
practices Monday, Wednesday and Friday for athletes who homeschool, 
participate in running start, or other alternative school schedules.
Most group one athletes are highly competitive,
own their own boats, and have a comprehensive training program including
practice, strength conditioning, and nutrition.
Group one athletes complete both nationally and internationally (European
regattas in addition to Canada).

 Masters (Over 35)
Our Masters team practices three times a week.
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
This team enjoys fun practices and many masters paddlers
compete locally and nationally, with some regattas taking place in Canada.


 OC6 Team
Our OC6 team is designed to get more paddlers onto the water in a fun team boat. They typically get to race a few times a year and will get to develop skills like steering, stroking, teamwork, and communication.
Coach Andy is the lead on this team. 

$600 per season


Gig Harbor Canoe & Kayak Racing Team
PO BOX 1097 
Gig Harbor, Washington 98335

Phone: 253-444-2578
Email: [email protected]
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